Atomic Snow Special: Celebration
'tis the season to be jolly

It is an odd coincidence that this month has 5 Sundays with the last falling right on New Year's Eve. It seems it was fated that we have this additional day for a special edition of Atomic Snow.
When I started working on this newsletter, I had a rough idea of where I want to see this going. But little did I know of the possibilities it would open. I have had a chance to maintain a consistent schedule for my writing as I interact with you. Already you have received 10 editions of Atomic Snow over the course of 5 months. Yes, we made it this far. And yet, there are many more leagues to be covered.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
Over the course of a long journey, it is natural that we find ourselves enter a lull. Our actions turn mechanical and we look into the distance longing to reach our destination, losing hope when we see how far we still have to go. It's in those moments that it is good to take a break, look back at how far we have come and celebrate the progress.

Thank you for joining me on my journey. I hope you have found these atomic bits helpful in some way or another. I would love to hear from you. There is much more in store on the way ahead and your voice will definitely shape my path.
I have something for you as well. Every edition of Atomic Snow featured a piece of music to close it off. Here is a playlist compiled together from the editions so far: Atomic Snow Playlist. May this music bring you some joy and a pop in your step.
Wishing you a happy new year in advance! Hope you have an amazing year ahead filled with the most enchanting and magical adventures.
Until the next owl delivery,
Yours always,
Godric Snow