Having a Legendary time in Tsushima

Suckerpunch finally released the multiplayer mode for Ghost of Tsushima on the day before yesterday, called Legends. I have already expressed my excitement and hype for the mode when I started out the game. One thing  did not expect from them was the coop Photo mode. Basically, you can enter the photo mode when you are playing co-op. This, of course requires a private match with photo mode enabled.

Photo mode in the game has been nicely done with a number of options to tweak and get the right composition. It seemed that Suckerpunch had taken that a step further with an update to the photo mode and options specific to co-op. This was going to be fun to explore.

@ArkhamLover14 joined me in the co-op session yesterday. I did try out the mode the night Legends launched, but did not get a chance to properly make use of the photo mode. So, this was going to be doubly exciting. The first thing we did was test out if the photo mode worked for both of us and it did! The game entered photo mode for the both of us.

In-gmae audio chat was a big no-no!

We soon noticed that the in-game audio chat would be ruining our scene and quickly switched to party chat.

An exciting start!

Scene 1: By the Torii Gate

As we reached the end of the first chapter of the first co-op story (the story about the twins of Tsushima), we discussed about jumping into photo mode. For the scene, Ark has the idea that we should stand-off against each other.

Getting into the photo mode, it started out trying to find the right angle for a shot.

As we walked through the settings, sharing what we were toggling in our shots, making adjustments as we discussed, I ended up with some quite satisfying angles. This was augmented by Ark's feedback watching my stream.

Scene 2: In Limbo

Legends has this part where after you finish a chapter and pass through the Torii Gate, you pass through a limbo like place. This section had a bridge to cross and seemed another perfect place for a few shots.

One of my favorite shots was that of Ark's Assassin character. It had a really ominous feel to it.


Scene 3: Combat

Getting combat shots is my weakness. I never seem to get the timing right. However, this time, by some pure luck, I was able to get a few good shots in.

"Money shot"

Even Ark's character turned out to be nicely positioned for a shot. A slight roll helped.

Ark the Assassin

I had taken a few variations of the shots.

We did get into another combat scene later on but it was too messy to get something useful.

Scene 4: Finale

We were already running on almost 3 hours when we reached the last Torii gate. It seemed right to close with a final set of shots.

Our mission stats showed that we had finished the story in 20 minutes. It was the best 20 minute 3 hour session I have ever had. I hope to play more in the future. Social gametography does add another layer upon the art itself and it has been fun to take shots with friends while checking out the way they setup a scene.